Konfuziusinstitute Nachrichten
2018年12月17日, 弗莱堡

2018年 12月17日晚,弗莱堡大学孔子学院举行了一年一度的圣诞聚会,40来位孔院学员和热爱中国文化的人士聚集一堂,聆听和欣赏了闵志荣老师美艳精彩的“中国京剧与昆曲”演示报告。




The Christmas-Gala, which is held by the Confucius Institute at Freiburg University annually, took place on 17th December, 2018. Mr Min Zhirong’s lecture and performance on Peking and Kun Opera marked the beginning of this year’s festive gala. As head of The Faculty of German at Jiangsu University of Technology, Mr Min Zhirong is on his one-year study visit at Freiburg University in Germany. He has been studying and performing Peking and Kun Opera for over 20 years. In his lecture, Mr Min Zhirong explicitly introduced the two operas in terms of their origin, development, characters, well-known performers and pieces. After the lecture, all participants had a bite of traditional German Christmas and Chinese New Year snacks, while discussing popular German-China cultural exchange topics as well as the language and culture events organized by the Confucius Institute at Freiburg University.
